• Active Battery Management
  • Powerful IT Infrastructure Management Tools
  • UPS Management included
  • Advanced Analysis Tools For Experts

The BACS WEBMANAGER is the central control unit for every BACS system

All of the information about the individual batteries and the respective individual statuses collected from the BACS battery modules is compiled here. The BACS web manager evaluates all of the data in real time and sends necessary control commands to the BACS battery modules, based on the data, to keep the batteries in the optimum charging state.

BACS can be individually adapted to fit to any according individual requirements

If deviations arise, the web manager can, if needed, issue recommendations and, in the event of an emergency, even take active emergency measures to, for instance, prevent a battery from thermally overloading.

Safety and longevity

Precisely because of the option to actively manage batteries, BACS is compatible with all types of batteries currently available on the market. Ultimately, the type of battery you want to use determines the impact of the active management:

For instance, if a lithium-based battery technology is used in the UPS solution, an active charging control is required for technical reasons. A lead-based battery technology, however, is more robust. From a technical perspective, it can also be monitored by a pure monitoring system without charging control, but will wear out relatively quickly. The service life is approximately 1/3 of the design life specified by the manufacturer. Using BACS improves the service life and the general performance by up to 50%. Some batteries can even be used for the entire design life specified by the manufacturer and then, only the battery has to be replaced and not, as usual, all the batteries within a battery string.

Active management of the entire UPS solution

Depending on installed additional parts and the configuration level, the BACS web managers has a wide range of options to perform its functions:

  • Controlling air conditioning systems and emergency ventilation systems
  • Detecting toxic or explosive gas mixtures
  • Monitoring temperatures and humidity
  • Monitoring water penetration or coolant fill levels

A process control, based on PLC, can be configured for each configurable event via an intuitive and modern interface. Technicians can therefore not only obtain information about the status of each individual but also, thanks to the

IT management and building management included

In the event of an emergency, servers have to migrate, shut down, back up their data, etc. as quickly as possible. For this reason, every BACS system is also a fully-qualified RCCMD server that can quickly and efficiently shut down even highly complex systems using the globally popular RCCMD shutdown solution.

  • Linux
  • Hyper-V
  • VMware (individual hosts, cluster management, vSAN Shutdown and many more)
  • UNIX
  • Windows

At the same time, active systems can be switched on a precise schedule via external relays and feedback about the switching statuses can be obtained so all possible hardware and software combinations are available. A BACS system can shut down the IT systems, block elevators, activate emergency lighting, unlock electrical locks, start emergency systems and much more.