ATEX/IECEx & Nuclear UPS

A wide range of configurable, customizable products for light, medium and advanced industrials applications : Utilities, Process Industries, Manufacturing, Transport…

ATEX/IECEx Solutions - DC UPS

Smallest on the market, Chloride® XP90R is an industrial rectifier / battery charger explosion proof Zone 1 & 2.

Chloride® XP20R is an industrial rectifier / battery charger explosion proof Zone 1 & 2 developed specifically for offshore environment & tough operating conditions. It is the smallest DC UPS of XP range.

ATEX/IECEx Solutions - AC UPS

Chloride® XP DC/AC UPS systems are tailor-made solutions designed to operate in the hazardous atmosphere.

Chloride® XP DC/AC UPS Inverter systems are tailor-made solutions designed to operate in the hazardous atmosphere.

Nuclear Solutions

Made-to-order Systems, including: - AC and DC UPS (up to 500kVA/kW) - Inverters - Ancillaries (distribution panels, monitoring suite...). Design life up to 60 years.

Monitoring system ATEX/IECEx

Chloride® BMS, a unique solution with a patented ATEX/IEC Ex option, compatible with lead-acid and nickel-cadmium technologies.