Optimized battery sizing for improved performance

With Alcad sizing software, quickly and easily find the NiCad battery solution that fits your needs perfectly.

Alcad’s nickel cadmium battery sizing and configuration system for stationary applications is an offline tool that helps you to quickly and easily find the battery solution that fits your needs perfectly.

With cell layouts and technical documentation completely integrated, a few clicks are all it takes to find what you need.

Installation of this app is very simple. 
Click here to download the 30 day-trial version of the Alcad BaSiCs sizing software:

Register the ZIP file in a directory of your computer
Run the executable file (.EXE extension)
– When the application opens, just follow the instructions of the application.
– The ZIP file also includes a BaSiCs user manual.

If you wish to get the full permanent version of our sizing software, contact your EDPN Vietnam – ALCAD Local Sales Representative.