Preventive Maintenance

Our routine Preventive Maintenance on UPS/Charger systems ensures critical systems continue to operate without issues. We identify and highlight potential issues before they cause a problem.

As the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of our UPS systems, we can ensure that they are maintained to the recommended standards, including updating firmware updates and in line with the latest customer notifications.
Our maintenance regime can be customised to align with your requirements, visits can vary from a nonintrusive inspection to full in-depth maintenance including cleaning sensitive parts of the UPS, checking mechanical tightness of connections and functional inspections of all UPS assemblies.
Additionally, our engineers are trained on first principles meaning they can maintain and fault-investigate third-party equipment, our expertise doesn’t stop with our own equipment!


Loadbank Testing
Load bank testing is the provision and connection of an electrical load to a UPS to simulate the client’s load to prove the integrity of the overall system. A load bank can also be used to discharge batteries as an accurate method of determining battery autonomy. If battery performance aligns with the manufacturer’s expected performance, then this will be deemed as a successful test and confirm that UPS/Battery will perform in event of genuine mains failure.


Battery Impedance Testing
The specific battery maintenance to capture battery measurements – Voltage & Cell Resistance – Data is then reviewed against previous visits and trend analysed to highlight potential issues before they become an issue, this non-intrusive testing allows customers to budget for future required remedial works while still ensuring that the battery remains fully charged ready to provide full autonomy if required


XP Range Maintenance
Our Chloride® XP range are industrial rectifier/battery chargers – rated to explosion-proof Zone 1 & 2 and developed specifically for offshore environments & tough operating conditions. We carry out mechanical and electrical maintenance in line with International standards for Hazardous locations to ensure that the certification remains valid

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Remedial Works

Extend the life & improve the performance of your equipment. When electrical equipment fails, it can cost millions. EDPN technicians can quickly identify problems and repair all makes and models.

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