EDPN 110LB120-T Battery Capacity Tester

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EDPN DC Load Bank as Customized Product. The most advanced product in terms of possibilities.



The only way to know your stationary batteries will perform according to the specification is to test the batteries’ capacity with a DC load bank.

IEEE recommends load testing for Vented Lead-Acid and Ni-Cad stationary batteries every 5 years and VRLA stationary batteries every 12 months.

The EDPN constant current DC load testers are an easy and affordable way to perform accurate IEEE 450 (Vented Lead-Acid), IEEE 1106 (Ni-Cad) and IEEE 1188 (VRLA) load tests.

These units are quick and easy to set up. They display the voltage, current and Ah removed during the test. Furthermore this is a constant current load bank, the user does not have to do manually adjust the current during the tests.

The load banks are standardized with multiple auto-stop settings and built-in protection to ensure that the batteries are never damaged due to over discharge.