Free Maintenance VRLA Battery


General Purpose AGM Battery
Wide sealed lead acid range with 6V and 12V models, maintenance-free with a design life of 5 years.


High-Rate Performance Battery
5 years design life small-sealed lead acid range with AGM technology.
Long life High-Rate Performance Battery
Long life, flame retardant small-sealed lead acid range AGM technology with a fast on terminal design for easy installation.


High-Rate & High Temperature AGM Battery
Designed for high-rates applications and operating conditions up to 30oC and available with top & front terminal design.


Cyclic Maintenance-Free, AGM battery
A front terminal block designed for high cyclic and PSOC applications.


High Temperature Battery
AGM technology, front terminal range designed for operating conditions up to 35oC.


Very Long-Life, Front Terminal AGM battery
12 years plus very long design life, in flame retardant ABS cases and front terminals designs.


Unsurpassed High-Rate Performance AGM battery
10/12 years design life enclosed in a rugged flame retardant ABS cases and available with top and front terminal designs.


Very Long-Life, Top Terminal AGM battery
12 plus yeard, very long desig life, in flame retardant ABS cases available in 2V, 6V and 12V models.


OPzV Maintenance-Free, GEL cell
18 years design life GEL battery. Perfect for demanding applications.
Maintenance-Free cyclic, GEL cell
A very long life GEL battery, perfect for energy storage applications.


AGM Maintenance-Free Range
10 years design life in flame retardant ABS cases.