World-Class Services

A comprehensive array of services When reliability and safety are a must, you can rely on Alcad’s world-class services. Alcad nickel cadmium battery solutions deliver high performance, reliability and long life for business-critical industrial applications in harsh environments, especially in extremely hot or cold climates in a wide range of installations across the world. Alcad’s focus on world-class products backed up by […]
Battery Sizing

Optimized battery sizing for improved performance With Alcad sizing software, quickly and easily find the NiCad battery solution that fits your needs perfectly. Alcad’s nickel cadmium battery sizing and configuration system for stationary applications is an offline tool that helps you to quickly and easily find the battery solution that fits your needs perfectly. With […]
Training Courses

Specific nickel cadmium battery training courses for technicians The right training dedicated to engineers for proper installation and maintenance of Ni-Cd batteries. Basic Training Live 1-Day Package 6 hours OEM engineering departments How to design and size your NiCad battery Intra- and Inter-company Training Download training program Advanced Training Live 2-Day Package 12 hours Installation […]
Obsolescence Management

EDPN will define alternative spare parts or kits when a component is made obsolete by its manufacturer.
Refurbishment & Upgrades

Our dedicated team can retrofit, renew and replace equipment as needed.
Warranty Extension

Extend the warranty of the systems to match the need of your project schedule
Remote Commissioning

EDPN supports your team for a successful commissioning.
Life Extension Upgrade

Replacing the full UPS system is not always practical, upgrading the UPS rather than replacing will add 10-15 years of useful life to UPS systems.
Site Operator Training

EDPN provides customized training sessions for facility and maintenance engineers to make sure they are well-equipped to respond to any service requirements.
Major System Upgrade

Modify your system for better performance without major capital expenditures.